· It was a fantastic day and I don’t think it could have gone better.
· He measured 5 foot 9 and a half inches. We have to be sure we mention the half an inch because he’s half an inch away from his father then :)
· Saunders scale of 6 (remember, 8 is full grown)
· Scoliosis spine curve of just… drum roll please… FOURTEEN
· The tethers all appear to be in place. Fun/interesting fact: you cannot see the tether material on an xray so they actually have to measure between each anchor to ensure the tethers are still together and in place. I found that interesting that you can’t actually see them.
· Doctor said he’s probably within 12 months of being done growing. That is GREAT and HUGE for mom and dad and our worries. That essentially means all should be “locked in place” and if a tether breaks, it’s ok, because the spine has reached full maturity. Not so great news for him because I know he wanted to be over 6 foot. But we shall see. He’s still a pretty tall dude and we are so thankful for to be on the other side of this very scary journey.
We praise God for all of the doctors that have gotten him to this point. And we praise God for one strong amazing young man. We also praise God for you… for your love, hugs, calls, text and prayers throughout the past 16 years of B’s life.
